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Register Commune

Register a Module​

To register a module, you can use the following command

c model.openai register tag=sup api_key=sk-...


c register model.openai tag=sup api_key=sk-...

Please make sure you specify a unique tag, as it will not go through if someone else has that name on the subnet. When you deploy the module, the module will be serving locally on your machine and will be accessed by the network.

Update a Module​

To update a module, you can use the following command. At the moment you can update the module's name and address. Please not if you update the name, you will need to restart the server with the new name. This is currently something we want to avoid in the future by having to rename the server without killing it

c update_module model.openai name=model.openai::fam1 address=124.545.545:8080

Check Stats​

To check the stats of a module, you can use the following command

c stats

If you want to sync the stats with the network, you can use the following.

c stats update=True

Transfer Tokens​

To tranfer tokens to a module, you can use the following command

c transfer model.openai 100 model.openai.2

or you an specify the address, this is the safer way to do it, as you can accidentally send it to the wrong address if the name has changed on the network.

c transfer SS58_ADDRESS_FROM model.openai 100 ADDRESS_TO


To stake on a module, you can use the following command

c stake model.openai amount=100

To unstake on a module, you can use the following command

c unstake model.openai amount=100

Staking on another Module with your Tokens​

To stake on another module with your tokens, you can use the following command.

c stake key=model.openai amount=100 module_key=model.openai.2

Unstaking on another Module with your Tokens​

To unstake on another module with your tokens, you can use the following command

c unstake key=model.openai amount=100 module_key=model.openai.2

Get Key Info​