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This module involves wrapping over the huggingface transformers library. It will allow you to deploy any model in hugginface.


c model.transformer serve tag=10 model=vicuna.7b
import commune as c
c.serve('model.hf', tag=10, model='vicuna.7b')

We use shortcuts when calling models, so for instance vicuna.7b refers to lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3. To add a shortcut, go into the config and add the shortcut.

At the moment, serving the model.transformer has a default name of model.{moodelname}, which in this case is.


We did this by overriding the def serve in the model.transformers module to have a more custom serve. Check it out through



Commune will find the most avaiable gpus and allocate the model to the least used one. This is done through c.infer_device_map(model). You can also setup the layers on specific gpus with the decive_map (default to 'auto')

vicuna.7b: lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3

Register on Commune​

To register the module

c model.transformer register tag=10 model=vicuna.7b
import commune as c
c.register('model.hf', tag=10, model=vicuna.7b)

Calling it​
