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Module Basics

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use the commune library for module management in Python. The commune library provides functionalities for managing and serving code modules easily.

Table of Contents​

Finding Your Module​

You can use the following steps to find and work with modules using the commune library.

List All Modules​

You can list all available modules using the following code:

import commune as c

modules_list = c.modules()[:10]

Searching for a Specific Module​

To search for a specific module, you can use the c.modules() function with a search query:

search_queries = ['model.llama', 'data', 'demo', 'hf']
for query in search_queries:
c.print(f'Searching for {query}')

Module Management​

Once you've found your module, you can manage it using the following steps.

Accessing a Module​

You can access a module using the c.module() function:

demo = c.module('demo')
c.print('## Code for demo module')

Viewing Module Config​

You can view the configuration of a module using the config() method:


Listing Module Functions​

To list the functions of a module, use the fns() method:

demo_functions = demo.fns()

Searching for a Function​

To search for a specific function within a module, use the fns() method with a search query:

function_search_query = 'bro'
matching_functions = demo.fns(function_search_query)

Getting Function Schema​

You can retrieve the schema of a specific function using the schema() method:

function_name = 'bro'
function_schema = demo.schema(function_name)


You can serve a module to make its functions accessible via a server.

Serving a Module​

You can serve a module using the serve() method, optionally providing a tag for versioning:


Viewing Available Servers​

You can view the available servers using the servers() method:


Viewing Server Logs​

To view the logs of a served module, you can use the logs() method:

logs = c.logs('demo::tag1', mode='local')

Connecting to a Served Module​

You can connect to a served module using the connect() method:

demo_client = c.connect('demo::tag1')

Restarting and Killing a Served Module​

You can restart or kill a served module using the restart() and kill() methods:

c.restart('demo::tag1')  # Restart the module
c.kill('demo::tag1') # Kill the module

This concludes our tutorial on module management using the commune library. You've learned how to find modules, manage their functions, serve them, and interact with served modules. This library can greatly simplify the process of managing and deploying code modules in your projects.

Feel free to use and adapt this markdown document for your tutorial needs. Make sure to adjust any details as necessary and include code snippets or explanations for each step to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.