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Deploying a Validator Tutorial​

In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a validator on the network and perform various tasks related to staking, registration, and validation.

Step 1: Registering a Validator​

To register a validator with a specific tag, use the following CLI command:

c vali register tag=whadup
c register vali::whadup

This creates a key with "vali::whadup".

You can also serve it and register it with the following commands:

  c serve vali::whadup
c register vali::whadup

Step 2: Staking Your Validator​

Ensure that you have staked your validator by following these steps:

  1. Stake your validator with another key using the CLI command:

    c stake {keywithbalance} vali::whadup {amount}

    The default amount to be staked is your entire balance. If you don't have a balance, you'll need to unstake.

  2. If needed, you can unstake by using the following command:

    c unstake {keywithnobalance} {amount}